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  • Writer's pictureVoluntar inTransilvania


By Francisca from Portugal

I've always believed in metamorphosis, I've even written about it, and I believe that it happens daily even without us realizing it, due to small things in everyday life that we consider irrelevant. This is just one more of my texts, but I think that being part of this project was the best decision that I could take.

I will not lie and say that these months were always easy, because when we are willing to experience new things and go out of our comfort zone, with that comes certain things that we will have to confront, but that is also one of the reasons why projects like this become unforgettable.

I know that just like it is part of the cycles, parts of me live here and I have many others present in me - deep down I feel just grateful for it all. So the biggest advice I can give to new volunteers is to go into the project with an open mind and keep that. More than anything enjoy every moment no matter how insignificant they seem because that is what will remain with us, and even though it is a cliché, time goes by without us noticing.

Finally I want to say that the fact that my experience happened to take place in this particular NGO, Asociația AUM in Sighisoara, made total sense to me. It will be a second home as it was the first during these 7 months. In reality our home is the world and I am happy to be part of it.

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